“You travel alone?” – Jap. “As a woman ???” – Jap. Correctly identified. I have boobs and a vagina. At the beginning of my trip, this lack of understanding from other travellers or locals really unsettled me. Of course, this kind of question helps a lot when you are really afraid to go alone. #ironieoff […]
Many people who like to travel in the social media community call themselves “travellers”. Aha. Clever. So am I a traveller, too? Yeah yes. I finally travel. But a tourist does that too. Where are the differences? And why do we even discuss it? 3+
Reasons to travel after a breakup
Breakups are terrible. You want to stay in bed forever, spend all your money on tissues and spend more time on your ex-partner’s Instagram account than on your own. Everyone who has ever had lovesickness knows this. Your world is collapsing. 8+
Real Problems | While traveling
Traveling is great. A world tour much better. First of all, you dream of the spirit of optimism, the courage to visit any desired location on your own. Then the time has finally come: You are on the plane, are incredibly excited and just happy. You arrive at your first destination and your dream of […]